[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Please look into my problem cant seem to install

Muhammad Faiz Chishti mfaizali at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 18 00:34:43 EDT 2011

I am installing Evergreen 2.0.8 on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04.  I install server
with no add-ons and simple network configuration 

I follow all on screen instruction from the fresh installation notes on the

Q 1. First error I encounter is memcached does not start saying it is
disabled  and have to enable it through editing a file          #

Why is it not in documentation ????


After that the opensrf engines installs and test runs OK


Q 2. Next error that I encounter is when I start installing Evergreen it
requires Postgres Server I Install it by following command  which gives

        # make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install

Then I append the command 

        # make -f

           It starts installing 

Q 3. I follow all on screen instruction using required logins and paths and
end up on command 

        #./autogen.sh -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -u


It gives the following error and I am helpless and stuck here 


Updating fieldmapper

Exception: OpenSRF::EX::Session 2011-08-17T03:49:39
/usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/OpenSRF/Utils/SettingsClient.pm:103 Session
Error: router at private.localhost/opensrf.settings IS NOT CONNECTED TO THE


Where  am I going to get the help to resolve this issue and if I am wrong at
any part please guide. If there is a more explanatory and accurate
installation please guide.

I am stuck with this installation from last 10 days have installed couple of
times and asked for help from this forums.


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