[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Batch Delete Records

Brian Greene BGreene at cgcc.cc.or.us
Wed Aug 24 12:20:38 EDT 2011

Thanks Aaron,
Yes, I meant TCN. What I'm trying to do is minimize the work involved in keeping up with the titles periodically removed from our ebrary subscription. Ebrary provides a list of removed titles that can include more than a hundred at a time and deleting them manually is time consuming. The file containing the titles isn't associated with barcodes, so that option is out. Batch edit might provide us with a way to delete our copies (our holdings data is in the 856 field) then your thought about having EG delete the call number/volume record and then the bib record may be a solution. 
Thanks again,

>>> Aaron Zsembery <azsembery at pls-net.org> 8/24/2011 5:42 AM >>>
I am not sure what a TSN is (perhaps you meant TCN?), but if you have a list of barcodes, you can paste them into a text file, import it into "Check Item Status" (rather than scanning the items in) and manage the items from there.
Otherwise, I don't think there is any way to batch select items, volumes, records etc without going directly into the database.
It is possible  to have EG delete the Call Number/Volume record when all copies are deleted and the Bib record when all Call Number/Volume records are deleted, but it doesnt sound like that is what you want to do.

Aaron Z
Jr. Systems Administrator

Pioneer Library System
2557 State Rt. 21
Canandaigua, New York  14424
Phone: (585) 394-8260

From: "Brian Greene" <BGreene at cgcc.cc.or.us>
To: open-ils-general at list.georgialibraries.org
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 7:37:49 PM
Subject: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Batch Delete Records

Is there a way to batch delete records automatically from an Excel file with TSNs (in my case, provided by ebrary)? It seems tedious to delete them manually, but I haven't figured out how to create a search that would enable me to isolate all of them into a bucket for deletion.
Brian Greene, Library Director
Columbia Gorge Community College 
The Dalles, Oregon 97058
(541) 506-6080 | www.cgcc.cc.or.us 

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