[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Standalone Pending Transactions

Aaron Zsembery azsembery at pls-net.org
Wed Aug 1 12:27:20 EDT 2012

On August 1, 2012 at 11:54:11 AM "Jennifer M Turner" <jennifer.turner at mnsu.edu> 

> Thanks for the response! Unfortunately, the transactions were
> uploaded and the directions for exporting/importing transactions
> were - as far as I know - followed.

Once they do the export, there is a popup that comes up and says: 
" Your transactions have been exported to the file <FILENAME> . We strongly recommend that you now purge the transactions from this staff client. Would you like for us to do this ?" 
I would guess that they clicked "no" instead of "yes" in that popup as we have had several libraries do that. 

If they re-export, click yes and have the same issue, the file can be manually deleted with the following steps: 
1. Login as the user who is having the issue 
2. Go to "%AppData%\OpenILS\open_ils_staff_client\Profiles\" 
3. Open the profile folder (usually something like "ja3rm3ja.DefaultUser") 
4. Open the "chrome" folder 
5. Find the "pending_xacts" file. 
6. Delete it, rename it or whatever you prefer and that should eliminate the offline transactions warning. 

Aaron Z 
Jr. Systems Administrator 

Pioneer Library System 
2557 State Rt. 21 
Canandaigua, New York 14424 
Phone: (585) 394-8260 
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