[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] ***SPAM*** Re: SQL help needed

John C. Houser houser at hslc.org
Wed Sep 12 11:22:51 EDT 2012


Here's a perl script I used to make some changes to 856 tags in our 
system. You might be able to use it as a model for what you're trying to 
do. Let me know if I can answer any questions about it.




use strict;
use DBI;
use Config::IniFiles;
use MARC::Record;
use MARC::File::XML;
use LWP::UserAgent;

my $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new( -file => 
"/usr/local/vufind/web/conf/Evergreen-production.ini" );
my $port = $cfg->val( 'Catalog', 'port' );
my $hostname = $cfg->val( 'Catalog', 'hostname' );
my $database = $cfg->val( 'Catalog', 'database' );
my $username = $cfg->val( 'Catalog', 'user' );
my $password = $cfg->val( 'Catalog', 'password' );

my $dsn = "dbi:Pg:dbname=$database;host=$hostname;port=$port";
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $username, $password, {AutoCommit => 0, 
RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 0});
die("Could not connect to database!") unless $dbh;

$/ = "\035";
$| = 1;

my $total = 0;
my $updated = 0;
my $errors = 0;

my @ids = ();

my $sql = "
     SELECT record_entry.id
     FROM biblio.record_entry
     WHERE record_entry.deleted IS FALSE
     AND record_entry.active IS TRUE

print "$sql\n";

my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
my $rv = $sth->err;
die($sth->errstr) if $rv;

while ( my $id = $sth->fetchrow ) {
     push @ids, $id;


LOOP: while ( my $record_id = pop @ids ) {


     my $sql2 = "
         SELECT record_entry.marc
         FROM biblio.record_entry
         WHERE record_entry.id = $record_id

     my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2);
     my $rv2 = $sth2->err;
     die($sth2->errstr) if $rv2;

     my $hashref = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref;
     my $marc_xml = $hashref->{'marc'};

     # Read in MARC and set values
     my $record = '';
     eval { $record = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($marc_xml, 'UTF-8'); };
     if ( $@ ) {
         print STDERR "ERROR LOADING TCN $record_id\n";
         next LOOP;

     # Fix the leader to indicate UTF-8

     my @f856 = $record->field('856');

     if ( @f856 ) {

         print "\nTCN $record_id\n";

         FOR: foreach my $field (@f856) {

             print 'FOUND ', $field->as_formatted(), "\n";

             # Check for URL in the 856 $u
             my $u = $field->subfield('u');
             if ( ! $u ) {
                 next FOR;

             # First make the fixes
             my $z = $field->subfield('z');
             my $s3 = $field->subfield('3');

             # Remove spaces from the URL
             $u =~ s/\s//g;

             # Copy $3 to $z if no $z
             if ( ! $z && $s3 ) {
                 $field->add_subfields('z' => $s3);
                 $z = $s3;

             # Fix LC links
             if ( $u =~ m/www\.loc\.gov\/catdir\/bios/ ) {
                 $field->delete_subfield(code => 'z');
                 $field->add_subfields('z' => 'Contributor biographical 
             } elsif ( $u =~ m/www\.loc\.gov\/catdir\/samples/ ) {
                 $field->delete_subfield(code => 'z');
                 $field->add_subfields('z' => 'Sample text');
             } elsif ( $u =~ m/www\.loc\.gov\/catdir\/description/ ) {
                 $field->delete_subfield(code => 'z');
                 $field->add_subfields('z' => 'Publisher description');
             } elsif ( $u =~ m/www\.loc\.gov\/catdir\/toc/ ) {
                 $field->delete_subfield(code => 'z');
                 $field->add_subfields('z' => 'Table of contents');

             # Change first "www.http" to "http"
             $u =~ s/www\.http/http/i;

             # Change "www.loc/gov" to "www.loc.gov"
             $u =~ s/www\.loc\/gov/www\.loc\.gov/i;

             # Change "hhtp" to "http" at beginning of $u
             $u =~ s/^hhtp/http/i;

             # Add "http://" if protocol missing from start of $u
             unless ( $u =~ m/^http/i || $u =~ m/^ftp/i ) {
                 $u = 'http://' . $u;

             # Save changes
             $field->delete_subfield(code => 'u');
             $field->add_subfields('u' => $u);

             # Now check the link
             my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
             my $response = $ua->get($u);

             if (! $response->is_success) {

                 print 'ERROR ', $response->status_line, "\n";

                 my $status = $response->status_line;

                 if ( $status =~ m/400 URL missing/i ||
                     $status =~ m/^401 Unauthorized/i ||
                     $status =~ m/^403 Forbidden/i ||
                     $status =~ m/^404 Can't chdir to/i ||
                     $status =~ m/^404 - File not found/i ||
                     $status =~ m/^404 Object Not Found/i ||
                     $status =~ m/^406 Not Acceptable/i ||
                     $status =~ m/^410 Gone/i ||
                     $status =~ m/^500 Can't connect to .* \(certificate 
verify failed\)/i ||
                     $status =~ m/^500 Can't connect to .* \(No route to 
host\)/i ||
                     $status =~ m/^500 No Host option provided/i ||
                     $status =~ m/^501 Protocol scheme .* is not 
supported/i ||
                     $status =~ m/^503 Server Error/i
                     ) {

                     print "DELETED 856\n";
                     next FOR;

                 } elsif ( $status =~ m/500 read timeout/i ) {

                     next FOR;

                 } else {

                     # Copy subfield 856 $z to 999 $z
                     my $f999 = $record->field('999');
                     if ( $f999 ) {
                         $f999->add_subfields('z' => $z);
                     } else {
                         my $new = MARC::Field->new('999', ' ', ' ', 'z' 
=> $z);

                     # Delete subfield z from 856 (causes link not to 
                     $field->delete_subfield(code => 'z');

                     # Show what we did
                     $f999 = $record->field('999');
                     print 'UPDATED ', $f999->as_formatted(), "\n";

         my @new856 = $record->field('856');
         foreach my $field ( @new856 ) {
             print 'UPDATED ', $field->as_formatted(), "\n";

         # Insert back into database
         $marc_xml = $record->as_xml();
         $marc_xml = $dbh->quote($marc_xml);
         my $sql3 = "
             UPDATE biblio.record_entry SET marc = $marc_xml, editor = 
149592, edit_date = 'now' WHERE id = $record_id

         my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare($sql3);
         my $rv3 = $sth3->err;
         if ( $rv3 ) {
             print $sth3->errstr, "\n";




print "\nUpdated $updated of $total records\n";
print "\nFound $errors errors\n";



> Mary Llewellyn <mailto:mllewell at biblio.org>
> September 11, 2012 7:18 PM
> Hi all,
> I've just found out that one of our libraries  has dropped its 
> subscription to a downloadable e-resource service. I need a way to 
> find and delete their URLs in several thousand records while leaving 
> intact the URLs belonging to the other libraries that still subscribe.
> I see 2 ways to go: find and export all the bibs involved, delete the 
> obsolete 856s in a third-party MARC editor, then load the bibs back in 
> and replace the bibs in the database. Or, develop some backdoor way to 
> remove the 856s using SQL, just for the one library. It helps that 
> each library has a unique URL, such as 
> http://smalltownct.oneclickdigital.com. Only trouble is I'm not sure 
> how to write a query incorporating a MARC tag and a particular string.
> I'd appreciate some guidance.
> Thanks!
> Mary
> Mary Llewellyn
> Database Manager
> Bibliomation, Inc.
> Middlebury, CT
> mllewell at biblio.org

John Houser
System Architect
houser at hslc.org

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