[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] the web site team needs you

Rogan Hamby rogan.hamby at yclibrary.net
Tue Jul 16 22:16:21 EDT 2013

I feel like I've been a negligent in sending this email out but in a way it
illustrates exactly why I'm writing it.

Everyone is probably aware that the Evergreen web site encompasses several
functions.  At it's most basic it is both a portal and a wiki.  Basic in
this case does not mean simple.  Many are probably also aware that the web
site team has had some incredibly talented and hard working folks over the
years, several of whom left us recently as their jobs moved them into other
areas.  As the project has matured and use of our sites has increased we
have found ourselves questioning their purposes and the best way of
maintaining them.

Right now the web site team is composed of many folks who hold a lot
of commitments.  We all have actual employers and find time to do a lot in
the community.  I don't think it's an exaggeration to say it's out of love.
 However, there are only so many hours in the day.  What we are currently
doing is working on infrastructure and building the mechanisms that will
provide the tools for the sites to be managed in a content centric way.

What this leaves is an opportunity.  If you have wanted to contribute to
the community but not been sure how the purpose of this email is to
explicitly solicit new blood.  What we need are editors.  We need someone
first to fill an editor in chief position.  The analogy may not be perfect
for the kind of management we need but it is accurate in terms of
coordinating additional editors and making sure there is a person who can
also liaison with DIG, developers, etc... and knows what balls are being
juggled at any time.  And we will need section editors to work with this
editor in chief in order to help flesh out the sections of the web site and
wiki.  We don't expect these folks to just churn out content but also to
watch for quality, do some editing and soliciting of content.

I can not understate how valuable this could be as a contribution and the
kind of impact the right person could make in this role.  So, yes, we need
you.  If you're interested in any of these roles, if you have energy, if
you have ideas, if you have an insane sense of optimism and love of open
source, if you have blackmail I can use against someone else who would be
good, please contact me and plan on joining us at our next IRC meeting.


Rogan Hamby, MLS, CCNP, MIA
Managers Headquarters Library and Reference Services,
York County Library System

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